Quorum Court

Quorum Court Meeting Reports

The regular meeting of the Marion County Quorum Court is held at 6:00 pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month in the courtroom of the courthouse. Quorum Court will be available through Marion County AR Government Youtube channel livestream at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCI5omre-cGyLQxBLYgl38bg
They will be saved under PLAYLIST. You can Subscribe and click on the bell to be notified when any video or livestream is posted to the channel.

What is a Quorum Court and what do they do?

The Quorum Court is the legislative body of county government and is composed of 9 members called Justices of the Peace elected to two-year terms. Each JP represents a district of roughly equal population.

The Quorum Court may exercise the following powers, but not limited to:

  1. Levy taxes as prescribed by law
  2. Appropriate public funds for the expenses of the county in a manner prescribed by ordinance
  3. Preserve the peace and order and secure freedom from dangerous or noxious activities; provided, however, that no act may be declared a felony
  4. For any public purpose, contract, or join with another county, or with any other political subdivision or with the United States
  5. Create, consolidate, separate, revise, or abandon any elected office or offices except during the term thereof; provided, however, that a majority of those voting on the question at a general election have approved said action
  6. Fix the number and compensation of deputies and county employees
  7. Fix the compensation of each county officer with a minimum and maximum to be determined by law
  8. Fill vacancies in elected county offices
  9. Provide for any service or performance of any function relating to county affairs
  10. To exercise other powers, not inconsistent with law, necessary for effective administration of authorized services and functions

*Road complaints are not presented at Quorum Court. Complaints should be directed to the Road Department or County Judge.

Justices of the Peace of Quorum Court:

District 1 - Chuck Van Velkinburgh, JPDistrict1@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 314-954-7069

District 2 - Sandra Lee, JPDistrict2@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 309-242-6267

District 3 - Travis Hopson, JPDistrict3@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-421-1808

District 4 - Kolton Jensen, JPDistrict4@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-656-3840

District 5 – John Reed, JPDistrict5@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-421-8925

District 6 – Leslie Kerwood, JPDistrict6@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-656-0516

District 7 - Wesley Shipman, JPDistrict7@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-656-2022

District 8 - Tommy Dorsey, JPDistrict8@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-404-6529

District 9 - Tommy Dean Johnson, JPDistrict9@marioncountyar.gov, Phone: 870-404-6779

Justices of the Peace District Map

Justice of the Peace Committee Assignments:

BUDGET: Sandra Lee, Travis Hopson, Leslie Kerwood, Wesley Shipman, Tommy Dorsey

LAW ENFORCEMENT: Sandra Lee, Travis Hopson, Kolton Jensen

PERSONNEL: Chuck Van Velkinburgh, Sandra Lee, Kolton Jensen, Leslie Kerwood, Wesley Shipman

PROCEDURES AND MANAGEMENT: Chuck Van Velkinburgh, Travis Hopson, John Reed, Tommy Dorsey, Tommy Dean Johnson

SOLID WASTE: John Reed, Leslie Kerwood, Wesley Shipman

Quorum Court Meeting Reports: 

The Year of 2024

The Year of 2024

The Year of 2023

County Boards: 


Contact County Judge’s Office: 870-449-6231

The Marion County Regional Airport Board of Directors consists of six (6) members appointed as follows: Four (4) by the residing County Judge, and two (2) by the Mayor of Flippin, all members appointed to serve a six (6) year term.  Members serve without compensation to form the guidelines for the administration of the Marion County Regional Airport. The Marion County Regional Airport and its related services and activities are important to the growth of Marion County.

Current Members/Position/Term Expires:

Heith Hogan, Flippin Mayor/1/mayor’s term as elected official 

John Dyess/2/2026

John Yates/3/2026

Doug Starkey/4/2027

Norm Erickson/5/2028

Ken Duncan/6/2023


Contact Assessor’s Office: 870-449-4113

County equalization boards have two responsibilities: (1) to review and equalize overall county assessments as assessed by the assessor; and (2) to hear assessment appeals by property owners.

On August 1, the county assessor turns over his or her completed assessment records to the county clerk, who serves as the secretary for the equalization board. These records remain with the equalization board and only they have the authority to direct changes during their session. (However, errors and omissions may be corrected through the county court during this time.)

The equalization board will meet as often as necessary beginning on August 1 running through October 1. If the county’s ratio of assessed to market value is out of compliance, the equalization board may continue meeting after October 1, but no later than the third Monday in November. Additionally, the equalization board may enter into special planning session at its own motion any time during the year.

The Marion County Equalization Board consists of five members with one member appointed by the County Judge, one selected by the School Districts, one selected by Cities and Incorporated Towns, and two selected by the Quorum Court. Members serve three-year terms expiring on the first Monday of June in staggering terms. Members serve with compensation, to form the guidelines for administration of our Marion County Equalization Board. The board shall have all the powers and authority, and perform all of the duties which are conferred by law on the boards in this state as per Ark. Code Ann. §26-27-301.

Current Members/Term Expires:

(1) Tommy Dorsey, Selected by Cities & Incorporated Towns/May 31, 2026

(2) Sharlene Brewer, Selected by Quorum Court/May 31, 2024

(3) Bob Zdora, Selected by School Districts/May 31, 2024

(4) Emily Smith, Selected by Quorum Court/May 31, 2026

(5) Tia Davies, Appointed by County Judge/May 31, 2024


Contact County Judge’s Office: 870-449-6231

The Marion County Fair & Livestock Show Board is committed to producing an annual county fair, encouraging appropriate use of facilities, and exploring ways in which the Fairgrounds can serve educational and entertainment needs of our community. The Marion County Fair & Livestock Show is committed to providing the most valuable educational and entertaining experience that resources will allow. Also providing operations of the fairground's facilities for both public and private events in a responsible manner, generating economic stimulation and tourism development in the community.

The Marion County Fair and Livestock Show Board of Directors consists of nine (9) members appointed by the County Judge. Members serve without compensation to form the guidelines for the administration of the Marion County Fairgrounds. The Fairgrounds and its related services and activities are important to the growth of Marion County.

Current Members/Initial Term/Current Term Dates: 

(1) Alan Hale/(one year term)/December 31, 2024

(2) Benjamin Crombie/(two-year term)/December 31, 2024

(3) Tad Huff/2013-2015(two-year term)/2018-2020

(4) Samuel Ethan Vansickle/(three-year term)/December 31, 2024

(5) Orval Austin/(four-year term)/2018-2025

(6) Jeannie Wood/2013-2017(four-year term)/2018-2022

(7) Susie Hall/2013-2017(four-year term)/2018-2022

(8) Linda PItts/2013-2018(five-year term)/December 31, 2023

(9) Brent Rozeboom/2013-2108(five-year term)/December 31. 2023


Contact County Judge’s Office: 870-449-6231

The Marion County Law Library Board consists of five members appointed by the County Judge. Members serve five-year terms without compensation, to form the guidelines for administrator of our Marion County Law Library. The Law Library and its’ related services are important to the growth of Marion County. 

Current Members/Term Expires:

(1) Sam Pasthing/December 31, 2021

(2) Jason Duffy/December 31, 2022

(3) Ben Gibson/December 31, 2023

(4) Chris Carter/December 31, 2023

(5) John Milum/December 31, 2025


Contact Library: 870-449-6015

Our Mission: To engage our community, to encourage discovery and promote literacy by offering life-long learning opportunities and informative adventures.

The Marion County Library Board of Directors consists of five members appointed by the County Judge. Members serve five-year terms without compensation, to form the guidelines for administration of our Marion County Library. The Library and its related services are important to the growth of Marion County.

Current Members/Term Expires:

(1) TC Burnett – burnettt@upenn.edu PH: 870.736.0044

(2) Marcus Flippin – mflippin2006@gmail.com PH: 870.715.8291

(3) Bonnie Kenney – beckenney@gmail.com PH: 501.590.6658

(4) Danielle Justus –  PH: 870.321.2343



Contact County Judge’s Office: 870-449-6231

The purpose of the planning board is to set forth procedures, requirements and minimum standards governing the subdivision of land under the jurisdiction of the Marion County Planning Board. The territorial jurisdiction of these regulations include the unincorporated land within the limits of the County of Marion, Arkansas, except those official planning jurisdictions, such as City Planning Boards, as designated on the planning area map adopted by Marion County Planning Board and recorded.

The Marion County Planning Board consists of seven members appointed by the County Judge. Members serve four-year terms without compensation. The Marion County Planning Board and its related services are important to the growth and development of Marion County. 


Current Members/Term Expires:

(1) Russell Luder/December 31, 2022

(2) Michael Haynes/December 31, 2023

(3) Eddie White/December 31, 2024

(4) Tia Davies/December 31, 2024

(5) Daniel Doshier/December 31, 2025

(6) Bob Zdora/December 31, 2023

(7) Paul Hudson/December 31, 2023


Contact County Judge’s Office: 870-449-6231

Rea Valley Fire Protection District

The Rea Valley Fire Protection District consists of five members appointed by the County Judge. Members serve five-year terms without compensation. The Rea Valley Fire Protection District and its related services are important to the growth and development of Marion County. 

Current Members/Term Expires:

(1) Ken Green/December 31, 2026

(2) Dan Amato/December 31, 2027

(3) Ken Kenny/December 31, 2023

(4) David Sleeter/December 31, 2022

(5) Vacant/December 31, 2023


Janice Duffy, Marion County Historian, 5 yr term, December 31, 2027

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